Central Cafe, 111 Monaro Street, Queanbeyan

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Central Cafe is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Cafe   Food  


+61 2 6181 9102

111 Monaro Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales 2620

Establishment   Cafe   Food  

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  • shannon shepherd
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Shouldn't even get 1 star.Worst food I have ever eaten. I ordered Fettuccine Boscaiola and was served Spaghetti with a tasteless sauce missing ingredients. The service and wait for the disgusting food was not good either. Do not waste your money go else where.
  • sian stoddart
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Disgusting experience from the moment we walked in we were not greeted apart from with death stares. When waitress finally came to take our order we were still not greeted but bluntly asked 'are you ready to order yet!' While waiting for our food the two waitresses stood behind the counter talking to each other while rudely glaring at customers. When our food finally came out there were missing components and when asked where they were was told we were given something else instead because the order was taken incorrectly and was not offered to rectify. Our steak was supposed to be medium and came out well over done and grey we informed the waitress and she went and told the chef then returned and told us 'the ticket said it was cooked medium' (again very bluntly) we then proceeded to cut the steak and show her then she had to be asked to have it cooked again when it returned it was just medium and tasted like what I can only describe as grey. Salmon was very underdone but burnt on the out side. Chicken Parma was very below average. When we paid we told them we won't be returning and the girl just laughed and couldn't care less as to what they had done or how they could be improved. Very disappointing and a waste of money and time won't be returning ever again.
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Central Cafe is based in Queanbeyan. Full address is 111 Monaro Street. Australia postal code is 2620. We invite you to visit the official website of Central Cafe . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 2 6181 9102 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Central Cafe.
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